Course Description
Do you need photography skills for your job? Where you are passionate about producing professional images? This training will allow you to discover in depth the basics and techniques of photography to get started on your project. Thanks to our professional trainers and speakers, you will be able to consolidate your photographic culture in order to better understand your shootings. You will learn how to prepare your production, how to handle the equipment, and how to post-produce your images in Photoshop and Lightroom.
– Master the rule of thirds, white balance, exposure triangle (shutter speed, ISO sensitivity, aperture) and background blur.
– Respond to your clients’ requests for image processing and deliver professional quality work.
concerned public
The Photography training from our NTU Medias studio is aimed at current employees, job seekers, businesses, students and anyone who wishes to master image processing and take distance photography courses.
- Master the advanced functions of a camera
- Compose your photograph and analyze it
- Master the rule of thirds, white balance, exposure triangle
- Offer a professional image editing service on Lightroom
- Influencer
- Particular
Target audiences
- Chargé de communication
- Community Manager
- Digital manager
- Administrative Officer
- SME Manager
- Project manager
- Business manager